Wednesday, January 11, 2012

49 51

Jared figured out how to get the password back! He said we were hacked but, I think he just forgot which word he originally chose to be our password. Anyway we're going to put lyrics on here and updates and I originally wanted to put this David Foster Wallace quote that inspired the title to 49 51 on here.

"But now realize that TV and popular film and most kinds of "low" art—which just means art whose primary aim is to make money—is lucrative precisely because it recognizes that audiences prefer 100 percent pleasure to the reality that tends to be 49 percent pleasure and 51 percent pain. Whereas "serious" art, which is not primarily about getting money out of you, is more apt to make you uncomfortable, or to force you to work hard to access its pleasures, the same way that in real life true pleasure is usually a by-product of hard work and discomfort."

I should point out that we don't necessarily subscribe to the idea that life is more painful than pleasurable, at least I don't on good days. The opinions expressed by the quotes on this blog are of those whom the band has read, and do not necessarily reflect the position or ideas of Yo Ticonderoga.


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